Featured US Senior Fellows
Meet the people behind the scenes, making a difference where it counts.
All Featured Senior Fellows
Javier Muñoz
Senior Fellow Javier Muñoz has experienced first hand the adversities that come with educational inequality and uses radical education as a tool to spark change in order to build a more just world for our youth.
Anoush Baghdassarian
Senior Fellow Anough Baghdassrian is an aspiring human rights lawyer who is dedicated to acknowledging all individuals “Forgotten” by history, fighting for those in jeopardy of similar futures, and giving genocide victims a platform to tell their story.
Jamal Grant
Senior Fellow Jamal Grant is passionate about STEM. As a mechanical and aerospace systems engineer, he created his own non-profit that serves underrepresented minorities with mentorship, programing and future access to resources. Now he is adding public policy to his expertise.
Nathan Furukawa
Senior Fellow Nathan Furukawa understands the drastic health consequences of economic deprivation, social exclusion and inequality. This led him to Humanity in Action Fellowship. Now he contributes towards a plan on ending the HIV epidemic in the next 10 years.
Priya Fielding-Singh
When her family became a foster family, Senior Fellow Priya Fielding-Singh became intimately familiar with inequality and how it can change the trajectory of one's life. Priya has since devoted her professional career to reducing inequality and eliminating discriminatory policies.
Aasha Abdill
Senior Fellow Aasha Abdill is an author and activist who believes in the importance of providing spaces for diverse individuals to interact and learn from on another, such as she found during her Diversity & Diplomacy Fellowship. Aasha fights to improve public policies and social services impacting the black community.
Roman Gautam
Senior Fellow Roman Gautam utilizes journalism as a tool to champion civil rights and accountable governance, believing that freedom of press and information are among the most important principles to a free society.
Saim Saeed
Living on the borders of Pakistani and Indian identity, Senior Fellow Saim Saeed grew up grappling with issues of identity, prejudice, and the power of belonging. He hopes to use his journalism to help educate the world to be more accepting and imagine a future in which atrocities of the past are never repeated.