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Supporters & Partners

We believe in collaboration and partnership. We thank all our partners and supporters.

We are honored to partner with a number of organizations and institutions to advance liberal democracy, human rights and pluralism. We are grateful for the generous support and trust from renowned institutions who currently help us in making our vision across all offices a reality. To see the full list of supporters for each office, we invite you visit their national pages.

The Bertelsmann Foundation, Humanity in Action & Andrew Keen on How to Fix Democracy

Our Supporters in the United States

The William H. Donner Foundation

The Alfred Landecker Foundation

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Our Supporters in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Open Society Fund, Bosnia & Herzegovina

National Endowment for Democracy

Our Supporters in Denmark

Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond

Knud Højgaard Fonden

Forlaget Columbus Fond

Our Supporters in Germany

Volkswagen Stiftung for our cooperation project with the Goethe University Frankfurt/Main

Siftung EVZ / Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility, Future

Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung

Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung

Our Supporters in The Netherlands

Amnesty International

Democracy & Media Foundation

VluechtelingenWerk Nederland

Our Supporters in Poland

Siftung EVZ / Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility, Future

Partnership on How to Fix Democracy

Humanity in Action is thrilled to partner with the Bertelsmann Foundation on the “How To Fix Democracy” video and podcast series exploring practical solutions to the threats facing democracies around the world.

The Bertelsmann Foundation

How to Fix Democray