Action Projects - Denmark
Inspiring young people to take action in their communities around the world
Following the on-site Fellowship program, our Fellows work on their individual Action Project: an independent venture focused on promoting democratic values in their own communities. Action Projects are as diverse as Humanity in Action Fellows. Fellows apply their new knowledge and perspectives to the communities they impact—in whatever format they find meaningful. The Humanity in Action community is a great resource for getting support—be it with contacts, experience or good advice.
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Transformative Educational Entrepreneurship Design
This project was a 9-month-long program to equip entrepreneurs with skills in ethical leadership, sustainability, and emotional intelligence.
Cultivating Justice: Exploring the Right to Life for Indigenous Peoples
Exploring ICCPR Article 6's role in protecting Indigenous Peoples from climate change impacts by bridging legal frameworks.
Solidarity Sunflowers
This action project involved making solidarity sunflowers, which are ceramic brooches that serve the dual purpose of raising funds and creating awareness about the war in Ukraine.
Colonial Dialogue - Weekend Workshop
Creating a constructive dialogue for and with Danish youth about privileges, prejudices, and post-colonialism, in relation to the Danish, Greenlandic and Faroe Islands shared History. Senior Fellows William Nordmark Nielsen and Sofie Malm Henriksen hosted a day of workshops and lectures for students at Grundtvigs Højskole north of Copenhagen.
Animate Youth Stories
Through workshops and creating digital animation, this action project provides a space for youth to explore their cultural and ethnic roots.
This action project created a documentary following the life of a Syrian refugee family, showing the struggles they face in Denmark.
The Continent that Forgot its Humanity
Fellows campaign to raise money and awareness about the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island Lesbos, which burnt to the ground and left thousands of people living on the streets. In total, 210.000 DKK were raised.
Donation Drive: Becky’s Bathhouse Lesbos
A donation drive in support of Becky's Bathhouse, a women’s health promotion center serving refugee women and children in Lesbos, Greece