Landecker Democracy Fellow Noufel Bouzenboudja is a writer and artist from North Africa who mixes art with active citizenship projects.
Noufel’s project will be the creation and implementation of an online platform called #PremiereLigne to disseminate stories of Paris working-class neighbourhoods and banlieue residents.
The stories, mainly in the form of video blurbs, will depict the central role of frontline workers in Paris banlieue during the COVID-19 pandemic. These stories will draw the historical parallels between these workers and the older community members who were responsible for the reconstruction of France after World War II. Amongst the banlieue population, professions such as cleaners, hospital and elderly home carers, delivery workers, drivers, supermarket employees, maintenance workers and garbage collectors, are over-represented. The same goes for their ancestors who worked on construction sites and factories during France’s post-Second World War “golden era”. During the lockdown, these workers continued to run essential services, often working in risky conditions.
The stories will draw the historical parallels between these workers and the older community members who were responsible for the reconstruction of France after World War II.
The project addresses the need to deconstruct the stereotypical and fantasized narrative that says that banlieue inhabitants profit rather than contribute to the welfare of society and that residents were undisciplined during the lockdown. It will allow for the exploration of their essential societal roles as actors of solidarity, helping them to take ownership of their narrative and identities as citizens of France. At the same time, the country’s often problematic approach to diversity will be combated by sharing stories about diversity through an empowering lens.
These stories will portray everyday heroes: workers from different sectors, families, associations, and other people who can be role models because they have a strong will, passion, and determination to contribute, especially during difficult times like COVID-19.
These stories will portray everyday heroes: workers from different sectors, families, associations, and other people who can be role models because they have a strong will, passion, and determination to contribute, especially during difficult times like COVID-19. These stories will showcase people who inspire hope and empower others.
Ten people will be selected to take part in the elaboration of this platform. They will participate in a series of educational exchanges with experts including historians, sociologists, and community workers. They will also use site visits and cross community exchanges to explore how other communities of France are successfully shaping their own narrative and transmitting memory. In order to ensure quality and tech skills, they will be trained in basic journalism techniques such as interviewing and storytelling, video recording, and editing. The participants will collect the stories targeting the banlieue’s public, French broader public, and the world through social media campaigns.
Further Resources
#PremiereLigne: Platform's Launching Event
Landecker Senior Fellow Noufel Bouzeboudja is happy to announce the concretization of his action project with the launch of #PremiereLigne. The event is supported in partnership with Avenir Évasion, Centre culturel Franco-Berbère.
Landecker Fellow Noufel Bouzeboudja - Essential Worker Visibility
Humanity in Action spoke to Landecker Fellow Noufel Bouzeboudja about his Fellowship project.
Landecker Fellow Noufel Bouzeboudja Is Participating at AFRICA 2020
Landecker Fellow Noufel Bouzeboudja Is Participating at AFRICA 2020, a festival organized by SAINT-DENIS House of Culture, MC93, in partnership with French Berber Cultural Center.
Landecker Fellow Noufel Bouzeboudja's #PremiereLigne Project in Action
Landecker Fellow Noufel Bouzeboudja's #PremiereLigne Action Project is in full swing. Watch the stories of Paris working-class neighborhoods now.
Landecker Fellow Noufel Bouzeboudja Leads a Memory Transmission Workshop
Next Saturday, June 12, a Landecker Fellow Noufel Bouzeboudja will lead a workshop about memory transmission.
Amazigh writer wins prestigious fellowship
Amazigh World News, a platform for news and information about Indigenous Amazigh peoples, wrote an article celebrating Noufel Bouzeboudja's Landecker Fellowship.
Article on Noufel Bouzeboudja's Landecker Fellowship Project
VAVA innova, a news outlet dedicated to Kabyle news, wrote an article on Landecker Fellow Noufel Bouzeboudja. In it, they describe the Landecker fellowship and Noufel's project.