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Border Space of Violence and Struggle. Mapping the Polish-Belarusian Border


The goal of the project is to map both tangible and elusive examples of the current violence and struggles happening on the Polish-Belarusian border related to mass migration through the analysis of practices and objects producing and produced by the border landscape. The second objective is to document memory while reminding the audience, educators, researchers, and activists, about the ongoing humanitarian crisis, which has been erased from the view in the mainstream narrative.

Border Space uses the method of counter-mapping to mark the instances of violence and struggle in an attempt to make the invisible visible and to recognize the claim of people on the move to existence and decision-making.

Collected data through observations at the Polish-Belarusian border during research and documentation walks and humanitarian interventions will be complemented by literature reviews on different border spaces.

The results of the project will be presented as an online map, accompanied by workshop guidelines. Revealing the traces of violence may not be associated with social recognition, but rather with control, so the map presented online will not be an accurate representation – to ensure that this project doesn’t undermine strategies of resistance or reveal data that could endanger anyone’s safety. The map will be presented in the form of a drawing on a distorted scale, accompanied by the analysis of the collected data.

Updated April 2024