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Every second day a Polish woman dies due to domestic violence and every fifth Polish woman is a victim of rape. In such a climate, heavy with patriarchy, feminist voices are much needed. As too few people are aware of the violence women face, this project embarked on changing this. Given that schools in Poland offer virtually no education on women’s rights or women’s culture, it remains particularly difficult to put an end to the vicious circle of gender-based violence in the country.

In 2015, the initiative #MamyGłos, comprised of young female “avengers,” was created to combat everyday sexism in their schools and beyond. 16 weeks of blogging, workshops, and debates proved that where there is a will, there is a way.

#GirlPowerAcademy sought to educate and empower Polish girls to stand up, and to speak up.

The project team sought to strengthen the network of young Polish female activists and encourage them to create a safe space, both online and offline.

#GirlPowerAcademy was a new project launched by #MamyGlos. It sought to educate and empower Polish girls to stand up, and to speak up. #GirlPowerAcademy comprised of a series of events for Polish girls aged 13 to 20, including critical thinking workshops, feminist discussion clubs, film screenings, meetings with inspiring and established women, crash courses in anti-discrimination law, and self-defense workshops.

Based on the belief that the world needs feminism, the project team sought to strengthen the network of young Polish female activists and encourage them to co-create #MamyGlos with them. The Humanity in Action grant helped #GirlPowerAcademy create a safe space, both online and offline, for Polish female teenagers and created a network of highly-motivated activists.