Pink Spectacles of Polish Communism; Queer Cafe is a project aimed at telling untold stories of Homosexual, Bisexual and Transgender people during the time of the Peopl’s Republic of Poland. From 1952 to 1989, Poland was a communist country known as the People’s Republic of Poland. As is true with most countries, the history of the People’s Republic of Poland is rarely told from the perspective of the LGBT community. Sexuality and its political consequences, including the country’s LGBT movement, are excluded from historical discourse and not given any serious concern in the Polish humanities. It is very rare for sexual minorities to have a platform from which to discuss their own history and the history of the larger LGBT community, so their personal narratives remain unknown. Spectacles of Polish Communism” uses academic discourse as a way to share true stories from the LGBT movement in the People’s Republic of Poland, as well as the cultural achievements of those within the LGBT community.
Humanity in Action Senior Fellow Mieszko Hajkowski created Pink Spectacles of Polish Communism; Queer Cafe as his Action Project during his Warsaw Fellowship.