Day 1
We welcome back our Mitigating Online Radicalization and Hate-Speech program participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lebanon and Slovakia for the third time at a 5 session online workshop, supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation and European Union. Our topic of the day is social activism and we are thrilled to be once again joined by Ajna Jusić, founder and member of Zaboravljena djeca rata / Forgotten Children of War Association. Ajna talked about the important work of the Association “Forgotten Children of War” and their influence on shaping the narratives of post-conflict BiH, especially about women and girls who survived sexual violence and rape during the war in BiH. Ajna also shared her personal life story to bring to focus tens of thousands of women and girls who were raped during the 1992-95 war in Bosnia, and the number of children born as a result of the crime which is believed to reach 4,000. They are called the forgotten children of war and Ajna is one of them. Today she uses her identity as a child born for the act of rape to fight the stigma as an activist for the Forgotten Children of War Association.
Day 2
We meet again for the second session within our 3rd workshop of the Mitigating Online Radicalization and Hate-Speech program, supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation and European Union. Topic of the day is community mobilization and engagement and we welcome the co-founder and president of our partnering organization Aie Serve Atif Tabsh. Our young participants were engaged in learning about what is a community and community engagement, and what are the triggers and some approaches to community engagement.
Day 3
We continue with the Mitigating Online Radicalization and Hate-Speech 3rd online workshop, kindly supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation and the European Union. When it comes to empowering young people through building their oratory and debate skills and logical argumentation, Ivana Kešić‘s sessions are, in our experience, always the most impactful part of HIA BiH educational programs and this session was no exception. Participants learned about the elements of building an argument within a debate and participated in a short but lively debate on the topic of hate speech.
Day 4
During today’a session Ján Cingel, founder and CEO of Strategic Analysis SK, our partner, sneaked peeked into the results of the Mitigating Online Radicalization and Hate-Speech survey, supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation and European Union, we conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lebanon and Slovakia. We have managed to get almost 2000 responses which will lead to a report. Ján continued speaking about our previous research on the perception of radicalization and extremism in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and North Macedonia, revealing also research methods! In the end, we rewarded the most successful participants who reached out to the most people!
Day 5
For the final session of the third online Mitigating Online Radicalization and Hate-Speech workshop, kindly supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation and the European Union, Professor Svetlana Stanarević, Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade, took our participants to another level of mitigating radicalization – the importance of de-radicalization programs. She spoke about de-radicalisation and different approaches to it. Svetlana intertwined theories with practical examples from the world, but more specifically focused on the case of Serbia.
We thank our donors, our partners, speakers and our participants for their time and dedication to the program.