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Inside the white supremacist global network



Senior Fellow Beth Goldberg’s work for a research project by Jigsaw involved infiltrating and learning about white supremacy networks in the United States. The study, which was conducted by Jigsaw, a technology incubator and think/ do tank of Google, was published in their digital journal The CurrentThis study focuses on the methods of radicalization and communication between members of white supremacist groups, dispelling of the idea that white supremacy terrorist attacks are singular and the results of self-radicalized extremists. Rather, there is a large network with consistent contact between the “mainstream” white supremacist groups and and the more extreme, often violent fringe groups. The network is decentralized and spans over multiple network, thereby preventing a singular expulsion of the movement from online platforms. The study aims to both provide more detailed information on how to combat the radicalization and spread of white supremacy and to give information to possible white supremacists who want to leave the network. The study includes the experiences of former supremacists to both give a window into the recruitment and radicalization methods as well as provide “role models” that current members can look to.

Read the study here.

Read an opinion in the Washington Post about this study here.