Senior Fellow Jacob Fertig is producing a new documentary titled “Searching for Aramsayesh Gah,” which follows the journey of Iranian artist, journalist, and architect Ellie Shakiba, who in 2013 was illegally detained in Australia’s illegal offshore detention centre in the Republic of Nauru.
The goal of the documentary is to influence government and industry to oppose the construction, operation, and continued proliferation of refugee detention centers; and to instead elevate the expertise and experiences of asylum-seekers to build post-migration environments that are sensitive, humane, and culturally appropriate. The film, once completed, will be primarily distributed through North American and Australian media, major film festivals, partnered organizations, and community and industry screenings.
If you are interested in supporting or staying updated about “Searching for Aramsayesh Gah,” visit the crowdfunding campaign page here.
Jacob is the Co-Founder of Denizen Studios, a documentary production company committed to sparking civic engagement through nonfiction storytelling. You can watch more of his films here and subscribe to This Machine’s monthly newsletter here.