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18th LaFontaine-Baldwin Lecture: A Response



Join Senior Fellows Mariko Silver and Zaakir Tameez online from 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT on October 15, 2020, for the response to the 18th LaFontaine-Baldwin Lecture to hear from diverse leaders from Canada and around the world on paths to moral and civic renewal following the COVID-19 crisis. This dynamic discussion will respond to the 18th LaFontaine-Baldwin Lecture and share new ideas for the path forward, such as what the pandemic has revealed about the divide between insiders and outsiders, as well as what it will take to emerge from this crisis as more just, inclusive societies.

For a full list of speakers please click here.

To access this event in English with English subtitles, watch on Facebook here. (This video will not go live until 1:00pm EDT. After following this link, please be sure to click “Watch Now” to start the video at 1:00pm EDT)
Don’t have a Facebook account? You can still watch the 18th LaFontaine-Baldwin Lecture: A Response  here. (This video will appear “Locked” until we go live at 1:00pm EDT)
To access this event in English with French subtitles, please watch on the YouTube page.