Senior Fellow David Peyton is one of two recipients of the American Political Science Association’s Gabriel A. Almond Award for best dissertation in the field of comparative politics.
These awards are given for dissertations that are “representative of the best work in Political Science.” His research focuses on four cities in the Democratic Republic of Congo and analyzes how urban residents purchase properties and extract value from them in the midst of profound uncertainty. The work was guided by interesting questions and produced theoretical contributions “building on the existing literature.”
According to the announcement, David’s “research has been supported by Fulbright-Hays, the Social Science Research Council, Foreign Language and Area Studies Program, National Security Education Program, Buffett Institute for Global Affairs, and a one-year doctoral exchange fellowship at the Centre de Recherches Internationales at Sciences Po in Paris, France.”
To learn more about the award as well as David’s research, read the original announcement in this Political Science Now article.