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Senior Fellows Raise $35,462 for Giving Campaign



Each year we run a Senior Fellow Giving Campaign, which aims to gather support from the Senior Fellow community for future Humanity in Action programming. 2019 was no different. Funds raised may be used for conferences, travel stipends, grants and more.

Together we raised $35,462!

Thank you to each and every one of you who donated to and shared information about our campaign with friends. Special thanks go to our matching donors: Beth Goldberg, Jennifer and Brian Stout, and Michelle Rosenthal. Thank you to all of our donors:

Tosin Agbabiaka, Olusesi Aliu, Ben Allen, Christina Antonakos-Wallace, Alec Arellano, Sarah Bagge, Seth Bergeson, Lois Berman, Ashley Berry, Ebone Bishop, Meredith Blake, Jason Blau, William Blaustein, Michael Brickner, Allister Chang, Anthony Chase, Janepicha Cheva-Isarakul, Natalie Chwalisz, Yehonathan Cohen, Amish Dave, Deborah David, Dorrit de Jong, Luciana Debenedetti, Dan Devroye, Rachael Dizard, Chad Doobay, Talia Dubovi, Chris Dwyer, Rose Ehler, Jesse Elliott, Zachariah Falconer-Stout, Lesley Farby, Nicholas Farrell, Jonathan Forman, John Foster, Bronwyn Lewis Friscia, Marta Galecki, Jessamy Garver-Affeldt, Roman Gautam, Casey Gerald, Sandrine Gil, Mark Goldberg, Beth Goldberg, Danielle Goonan, Katharine Gricevich, Gagan Gupta, Alex Hackford, Emma Herman, Yael Herskovits, Jeffrey Hochstetler, Milo Inglehart, Deborah Jacobi, Adam Jed, Amy Jensen, Pedja Jurisic, Bill Kanakis, Juliana S. Karol, Zachary Kaufman, Ethan Kay, Michael Keller, Mark Kharas, Zoe Kiefer, Joseph Kolker, Helen Kramer, Hugo Krawczyk, Liat Krawczyk, Michael Kunichika, Amy Larsen, Emmanuelle Lawrence, Karl Lemberg, David Liebers, Sam Lim, Charles Lockwood, Diana Lovett, Lars & Kim Madsen & Sullivan, David Mandel-Anthony, Paul Marcinkowski, Jennifer Marcy, Alexandria Margolis, Lillian Elena Marsh, Terin Mayer, Brian McElroy, Elidor Mehilli, Benjamin Mericli, Nicholas Micinski, Jonathan & Kim Miner, Ava Morgenstern, Javier Munoz, Zachary Neumann, Mia Ozegovic, Hector Pascual Alvarez, Asger Pedersen, Alexandra Perina, David Peyton, Paull Randt, Sophie Raseman, Ezekiel Rediker, Stephen Reed, Michelle Rosenthal, Henriette Rytz, Antje Scheidler, Noam Schimmel, Marissa Schneiderman, Michael Scott, Aakash Shah, Doron Shiffer-Sebba, Deva-Dee Siliee, Brian Stout, Mario Sturla, Sara Sudetic, David Sullivan, Christa Tandana, Peter Tang, Robert Tessier, Ben Trachtenberg, Katherine Trujillo, Phil Ugelow, Samuel Walker, Tom Weirich, David Wertime, Adrian Wilairat, Audrey Winn, Jianhang Xiao, Kan Yan, Julia Zarankin, Catherine Zinnel

Our heartfelt gratitude to all who supported us this year. Our work would not be possible without your patronage.