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The US Office is looking for two interns this fall!



The New York Office of Humanity in Action is looking for two interns to fill the following part-time, volunteer roles:

  • Communication Strategist: This position will largely be responsible for assisting Humanity in Action staff with outreach for the 2020 Fellowship programs, creating content on our website and other platforms; managing social media accounts of Humanity in Action and supporting the development of a communications strategy to increase communication with diverse audiences both internally and externally.
  • Development Strategist: This position will be responsible for providing support in identifying potential funders, creating and implementing an end-of-year giving campaign, drafting grant applications and grant reports, and conducting research to support development.

Applicants are asked to submit their CVs through our website. The deadline to apply is September 25, 2019. Come join us in the New York office or share this opportunity with someone you wish to recommend!