Mitchell Esajas (the Netherlands, 1988) is a co-founder of New Urban Collective, a network for students and young professionals from diverse backgrounds with a focus on the Surinamese, Caribbean and African diaspora. Esajas studied Business Studies and Anthropology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In 2016 he co-founded the Black Archives in Amsterdam, a cultural center based on a unique collection of books, documents and artefacts documenting the histories of Surinamese and Black people in the Dutch context. The Black Archives develops exhibitions and public programs based on the collections and urgent societal issues.
Updated February 2021
More from Mitchell Esajas
PAX Power to the People x HIA Talks: Activisme: beroep, hobby of leefstijl?
In het kader van de Vredesweek 2020 organiseerde Humanity in Action Nederland in samenwerking met PAX Power to the People zondag 20 september 2020 het evenement: ACTIVISME: BEROEP, HOBBY OF LEEFSTIJL? We spraken met verschillende ‘changemakers’ over hun activisme.
Bekijk PAX Power to the People x HIA TALKS | Activisme: beroep, hobby of leefstijl?
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Samen Sterk Tegen Discriminatie
Hoe kan jong talent actief bijdragen aan een inclusieve en rechtvaardige samenleving in Nederland, Europa en de Verenigde Staten? Te midden van de COVID-19 pandemie en de recente vreedzame protestacties tegen institutioneel racisme, is dit de vraag waarmee het Humanity in Action Fellowship van start gaat.