Sadhvi Batra, MPH is a 2015 Humanity in Action Senior Fellow. She is a fourth year medical student at The University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine and is planning for a career in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She graduated from The University of Alabama at Birmingham with a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience. Her upbringing in a small town in Mississippi kickstarted her passion for reproductive rights advocacy and alleviat- ing health disparities. She has since served on several national committees with the American Medical Association (AMA) and is the current chair of AMA at her medical school. She has authored several resolutions on re- productive access and maternal care. Furthermore, she is the founder of the Socially Responsible Medicine Project which aims to educate medical students on the intersections of social justice and healthcare. In her spare time, she enjoys kickboxing and other high intensity forms of fitness, spending quality time with friends and family, and trying new restaurants
in Birmingham.
Updated October 2018
More from Sadhvi Batra
An obstetrics-gynecology resident’s perspective on Black Lives Matter
"(...) In 2020, I am a health care provider immersed within a system of racial bias and social injustice. The need for Black doctors has been a long touted issue within the medical community without any immediate solution on the horizon. Like many non-Black physicians, I am trying to figure out my role in the Black Lives Matter movement (...)."
2018 Fall International Conference Schedule
The upcoming Fall International Conference on "Social Justice in Public Health and Healthcare" will take place next weekend on October 19 and 20, 2018 at The New School.