Yannik Roscher graduated from the Universities of Frankfurt and Darmstadt with a MA degree in International Studies and Peace and Conflict Studies. During his studies, he focused on post-conflict societies and conflict transformation and has researched in Ireland, Tunisia and Jordan. Yannik has worked at several government institutions such as the regional centres for civic education in Hesse and Bremen, which are focusing on strengthening democracy and encouraging democratic participation in Germany. In 2017, he founded “mehr als wählen”, a local NGO focused on democratic innovations, participation and the inclusion of people. In this context, he established the first Citizen Assembly in Frankfurt am Main, in which participants are randomly selected by lot and accompanied by those who are underrepresented in the discourse.
Updated May 2020
More from Yannik Roscher
A discussion space for the whole city
During his Action Project Yannik Roscher created a new spaces for democratic coexistence, where people who are underrepresented in public discourse are involved in the process. His project took primarily place in Frankfurt/ Main and focused on social justice, democracy and social cohesion.
Yannik Roscher: Manual for Organizing Democracy Conventions
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The Democracy Conventions Handbook
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