All Articles about Resistance
Berlin: The Persecution of Jews and German Society
Oktober '43: Danske jøders flugt til Sverige eller deportation til Theresienstad
Oktober '43: Danske jøders flugt til Sverige eller deportation til Theresienstad contains many interviews that explore the political considerations and decisions of Germany, Denmark and Sweden, the rescue mission across the Øresund strait and Sweden’s reception of the refugees.
Copenhagen: Bright Hope and Deep Gloom – A New View of the 1943 Rescue Operation in Denmark
Introduction to Civil Society and the Holocaust: International Perspectives on Resistance and Rescue
Preface to Civil Society and the Holocaust: International Perspectives on Resistance and Rescue
This anthology was created as part of “Civil Society: Reactions to the Holocaust,” a series of events in Copenhagen commemorating the 70th anniversary of the flight and deportation of Danish Jews in October 1943.
Civil Society and the Holocaust: International Perspectives on Resistance and Rescue
In 2013, Humanity in Action Denmark held a conference in Copenhagen to mark the 70th anniversary of the flight and rescue of Danish Jewry. This book was published in association with the “October 1943” conference. The anthology examines how European societies dealt with the knowledge of the Nazi persecution of Jews in very different ways before, during and after the Holocaust.
Two Trees in Jerusalem
Cornelia Schmalz-Jacobsen in her touching account "Two Trees in Jerusalem" tells about the resistance of her parents, Donata and Eberhard Helmrich, against the horrors of National Socialism.
Jan Karski and Stefan Zweig
"Jan Karski and Stefan Zweig" was a talk delivered at the Fourth Annual Humanity in Action International Conference at the Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw, Poland, on June 27, 2013.