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What Happens When Right-Wing Extremists Govern. A Guide to Resistance
Author, political activist and Senior Fellow Arne Semsrott confronts the alarming rise of right-wing extremism in Germany through his latest novel, Machtübernahme (Takeover of Power: What Happens When Right-Wing Extremists Govern. A Guide to Resistance).
Uspješno završen 12. ciklus PDVIAGMM Fellowship programa
Završna ceremonija programa predstavlja inspirativan trenutak refleksije i proslave postignuća, tokom koje su učesnici podijelili svoja iskustva, učenje i rast koji su postigli tokom programa. Čestitamo našim novim Alumnijima!
A Basketball Kippah in the Jewish Museum
During the Covid-19 lockdown, Senior Fellow Walid Malik recorded a video series with the Jewish Frankfurt Museum. Each of them presents a special object from our permanent exhibitions in the Jewish Museum and the Judengasse Museum.
Otvoren poziv za učešće na 13. ciklusu PDVIAGMM programa
Humanity in Action BiH trinaestu godinu zaredom organizuje projekat “Poticanje demokratskih vrijednosti i aktivnog građanstva među mladima”, uz podršku National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
Retrospect: Alumni Study Tour 2024
In his blog "Retrospect: Alumni Study Tour 2024," Sarajevo Fellow David Bakum reflects on an alumni tour led by DialoguePerspectives and Humanity in Action, where 20 participants explored Sarajevo's history of interreligious and interethnic dialogue from August 29 to September 1, 2024.
Where is the Future?
Senior Fellow Fabrice Guerrier explores England's major cities, diving into it's rich history and societal transformation in "Where is the Future?". Debuting his vlog documentary, Fabrice brings interviews, b-roll and commentary to present a raw experience that showcases a British landscape.
Queer Political Forum
The Queer Political Forum was founded to provide a space for hard conversations between queer people, activists, politicians and academics. After establishing an organization for encouraging and promoting queer activism, Samu/elle Striewski and Judith Gabler hope to continue providing workshops and safe spaces for queer citizens.
The Freedom Lecture: Standing Together
Senior Fellows Jelle and Lievnath worked with Standing Together, a grassroots movement from Palestine/Israel consisting of Palestinians and Israeli Jews.
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