We see our impact through the leadership and actions taken by our alumni within their communities, using the awareness and skills gained through our programs and network.

“Humanity in Action shaped me profoundly. It has reaffirmed the direction I have set upon and the things I care about. It taught me about the role of empathy, to understand and fight for the struggle of those I might not identify with but can still support. It’s been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.” Saim Saeed (2014 Berlin Fellowship; Journalist at Politico)
Our alumni work at all levels of government; they lead nonprofits and advocacy organizations; they are doctors, lawyers, and philanthropists; they provide intellectual leadership at academic institutions; they are artists and scientists; and they are vocal activists for change. They give back to Humanity in Action, as staff, board members, mentors, and fellowship contributors. Utilizing the approaches, perspectives, and skills they learned through their fellowships and continue to hone through their ongoing involvement with our community, they exemplify informed, strategic, and empathetic leadership in both their professional and community roles. Our impact is our people, and through their efforts we see the future that we envision.
Humanity in Action by the numbers
- engaged 3,000+ alumni who have participated in one of our flagship Fellowship programs in Europe and the United States;
- placed 300+ of our Senior Fellows in months-long paid professional Fellowship programs in the United States Congress, the European Parliament, non-profit organizations such as the NAACP or ACLU and foundations such as the Bertelsmann Foundation;
- involved 3,000+ renown speakers who addressed our participants and the public;
- supported the design and implementation of > 1,000 civil society initiatives – Action Projects – in the diverse communities of our Fellows and Senior Fellows;
- ran 8 alumni grant competitions to fund the realization of social justice project ideas that are close to our Senior Fellows’ hearts and minds;
- published 12 books and other educational material through our in-house publisher Humanity in Action Press;
- gained 40,000+ followers across our social media channels;
- developed partnerships with outstanding institutions such as The National Center for Civil and Human Rights, Inc. (Atlanta), The New School (New York), the NAACP (Baltimore), the Bertelsmann Foundation (Washington, DC), US Congress (Washington, DC), EU Parliament (Brussels), the Alfred Landecker Foundation (Berlin), and the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews (Warsaw);
- count on the leadership of 60+ of our own alumni serving as board members or staff;
- raised 35,000,000+ USD to translate our mission into reality.
Impact Details
Impact Reports
Experiences and Outcomes of the American Senior Fellow Network (Stanford University)
Humanity in Action Evaluation (The New School)
Humanity in Action Social Impact Study (NYU Stern)