Action Projects
Ons netwerk komt in actie voor mensenrechten - en rechten van minderheden. Bekijk hier onze Action Projects.
In the 11 months following the on-site Fellowship program, our Fellows work on their Action Project: an independent venture focused on promoting democratic values in their own communities. Action Projects are as diverse as Humanity in Action Fellows. Fellows apply their new knowledge and perspectives to the communities they impact—in whatever format they find meaningful. The Humanity in Action community is a great resource for getting support—be it with contacts, experience or good advice. Click here for short films featuring a selection of our Senior Fellows' Action Projects.
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The Social Justice Bookshelf
As an avid reader, Emma found that the #bookstagram community suffered from a lack of diversity when it comes to the book titles and topics that are being promoted within this space. Her action project aims to promote books about social justice.
Take A Seat: Inclusive Sex-Ed
2020 Amsterdam Fellows Suze van Zijl and Akef Ibrahimi organized a closed-circle talk about how to organize inclusive sex-ed and invited a diverse group of people to share.
Consent: Always. Enthusiastic. Informed.
This campaign aims to empower students to apply explicit, informed, enthusiastic consent to make society a happier and safer place for everyone.
Oy Vey Acts
Landecker Democracy Fellow Lievnath Faber works on co-creating a Jewish hub, Oy Vey, in the city center of Amsterdam, right in the middle of the former Jewish quarter. Lievnath’s idea is to create a lasting connection between the Jewish activists and the broader activist community in The Netherlands, specifically in Amsterdam. This will create a civic revolution against populist, nationalist, and racist forces in our society who benefit from the current antagonism between these communities.
Bijlmer Valley - Get Digital
Landecker Democracy Fellow Zawdie Sandvliet is a Social Studies teacher and the initiator of the Afro-Dutch Studies at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. His project will create awareness around the historically determined disparities within the Dutch elementary and high school education system when it comes to opportunities and educational results.
Responsible and Sustainable Business Leader
Landecker Democracy Fellow Ireen Kars is a consultant at Russell Reynolds Associates, which helps companies identify, select, and grow sustainable leaders who will thrive and succeed over the long term. This project aims to not only help increase the awareness of the consequences of COVID-19 but also define the role of leadership in a post-COVID-19 world.
Een klein achtergrond verhaal over de kleurrijke inwoners van Nederland
Sinds de 17e eeuw is de wereld aanzienlijk diverser geworden door de versnelling van globalisering. Met dit nieuwe tijdperk van evolutie hebben massabewegingen een grote culturele, raciale en etnische diversiteit binnen onze samenlevingen teweeggebracht. Terwijl onze bevolkingen grote diversiteit kent, is de sociale integratie minder snel vooruitgegaan. Het doel van Senior Fellow Stijn Ettes is om met zijn Action Project jongere generaties te onderwijzen over acceptatie en gelijkheid.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
in 2018, Senior Fellows Aletta de Savornin Lohman and Nikki Niland helped Humanity in Action Netherlands commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy.