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Interview Ai WeiWei
Humanity in Action is pleased to share a 32 minute video of an hour-long conversation on the role of art and organizations like Humanity in Action in upholding civil democracies and humanity in our current, turbulent times with Judith Goldstein and the renowned Chinese artist Ai Weiwei at his studio in Berlin.
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Surayya Walters: The 4I Matrix withIN for Global Governance 2050
The 4I Matrix withIn can be a welcome companion to this year’s UN Summit of The Future by encouraging understanding and implementation of SDGs in a manner that is intercultural, interrelated, interdisciplinary, and intergenerational.
Cate Schultz: Revitalizing Global Solidarity and Governance Through Children's Rights - The Role of Play and Science
The fundamental child rights to both free play and scientific knowledge are not sufficiently recognized, emphasized in policy, nor a key focus of international dialogue.
Suburbs in the United States: Catalysts for Systemic Change
Congratulations to Humanity in Action Senior Fellow Erica Dorn who recently published her dissertation titled, "Suburbs in the United States: Catalysts for Systemic Change."Relational Design for Transitions Within US Suburbs
The Digital Canvas of Revolution: How Online Art Redraws the Lines of Democracy and Diversity
Senior Landecker Fellow Nikola Lero wrote an opinion piece discussing how online art redraws the lines of democracy and diversity.
A Message About the Maui Fires
Senior Landecker Fellow and US Racial Equity Grantee Kris Coffield wrote a powerful article about the Maui Fires of 2023.
Reflections by Judy Goldstein: On Reading
Reflections is a column by Humanity in Action Founder and Executive Director Emeritus Judy Goldstein. In each column, Judy shares her personal insights and opinions about a variety of topics and Humanity in Action's work.
The Ongoing Struggle for Arts Education in New York City
Senior Landecker Fellow Marissa Gutierrez-Vicario co-authored an opinion peace about the financial struggles of arts education in NYC.
Interview with Humanity in Action Founder Dr. Judith Goldstein
In March 2023, we spoke with Humanity in Action Founder Judith Goldstein in New York about her 26 years leading the organization, Humanity in Action's place in the democracy and human rights movement, and what she hopes to see Humanity in Action accomplish as it moves into the future.
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