Why all this hate? “On Refugees” („O Uchodźcach i Uchodźczyniach”)! Another interactive book in our series appreciated by readers. This time we write about refugees.
“I know how easy it is to hate others: I was born in Germany, so in Poland I was sometimes seen as German, part of the out-group. On the other hand, while working in London, I experienced many harsh comments about Poland, mainly from people who know Poles only from television. Why all this hate?!” asks Sylwia Vargas, the initiator of the interactive series and co-author of the books “On Refugees” („O Uchodźcach i Uchodźczyniach”) and “On Jews” („O Żydach i Żydówkach”).
Hate. How to disarm it? How to recognize ‘fake news’ about refugees? What to do if we see someone experiencing violence, hate or hate speech? How to change the world for a little better, starting today?
The book is addressed to everyone regardless of age. But … we especially encourage students in the seventh and eighth grade of primary school, as well as students in the first grade of high school. Thanks to the cooperation with the Center for Social Communication of the Capital City of Warsaw and the Warsaw Center for Educational and Social Innovation, the books “On Refugees” („O Uchodźcach i Uchodźczyniach”) will go directly to schools in Warsaw.
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We invite you to explore all 76 interactive pages: You will be able to engage with and co-create them. You will experience an intriguing journey in time and space. You will get to know many interesting facts, stories and people. We will share some tips, including culinary ones. We will also tell you how not to be indifferent to verbal or physical violence, which, unfortunately, is often experienced by refugees. Why this hate?! Exactly…!
To download the e-Book (in Polish), scroll down.
This publication was created as a part of the Humanity in Action Poland project called Impact Hub/„Przestrzeń Działania”. In this project we design, test and implement effective and innovative ways of responding to hate speech. The project is financially supported by the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ). The publication was created in cooperation with the partner institutions Center for Social Communication of the Capital City of Warsaw, and the Warsaw Contact Center 19115.