On July 10, Landecker Fellow Noufel Bouzeboudja is participating at “AFRICA 2020” – a Festival organized by SAINT-DENIS House of Culture, MC93, in partnership with French Berber Cultural Center.
Africa2020 is a pan-African multidisciplinary project focusing on innovation in the arts, sciences, technology, entrepreneurship and the economy. It champions education as a cross-cutting issue for the sharing and transmission of knowledge.
This year’s season will be a platform for sharing questions about the state of contemporary societies which, beyond Africa, are in resonance with France and the rest of the world.

Noufel will first perform a show in his mother-tongue (Kabyle) and French along with his fellow writer Ameziane Kezzar. After the performance, Noufel will be speaking about his experience as a writer and how can writing influence, denounce injustices and improve democratic practices. Noufel comes from Kabylia (Algeria) where currently the situation is so harsh for human rights activists, journalists, bloggers, free thinkers. More than 300 persons are in prison, some of them just because they criticised the Algerian regime on a Facebook post.
Noufel will also, as an Alfred Landecker Fellow, introduce the audience, along with the participants, to #PremiereLigne France.
Noufel is one of thirty Landecker Democracy Fellows. This fellowship, a collaboration between the Alfred Landecker Foundation and Humanity in Action, was created to strengthen a new generation of leaders whose approaches to political and social challenges can become catalysts for democratic placemaking and community building. Read more about the fellowship here.