All Articles about Democracy
Film festival on Wars in Europe: Did We Really Wake Up?
The festival explored the societal effects of the wars in Bosnia, Kosovo and Ukraine through film screenings and following panel discussions
UN Meet: MSG & Friends x Woman* Life Freedom
The project was focused on fundraising & solidarity for Woman* Life Freedom's intersectional work for the Iranian Feminist Revolution.
From Data Literacy to Data Activism
As his Action Project, Landecker Democracy Fellow Kuba empowers people to start using data to push social change.
Hungarian Agroecology Network: Weaving the Net for Socially and Environmentally Just Food Systems
As her Action Project, Landecker Democracy Fellow Lili aims to disseminate knowledge about agroecology and food sovereignty, to connect people, to advocate for the scaling out and up of agroecology, and to conduct projects, studies, and publications with and for its members.
Progressive Cafe: Designing a Pluralistic Digital Public Space in The Netherlands
As his Action Project, Landecker Democracy Fellow Kiza aims to fight affective polarization and promote a pluralistic culture in the digital public space in The Netherlands.
{Error 404}
As his Action Project, Landecker Democracy Fellow Alin is creating "Error 404," a hybrid workshop designed as a multiplayer game, where players will be put in the position of active citizens. In their journey, the players have to confront various challenges of democracy in the digital era, such as fake news, hate speech, and surveillance.
Beyond Black Mirror: Understanding Social Scoring in Europe
For his Action Project, Landecker Democracy Fellow Maciej attempts to shed light on European social scoring practices. To do this, he is producing a limited series podcast and launching a public dialogue exchange.
Connect and Thrive
As her Action Project, Landecker Democracy Fellow Esra is bringing together media entrepreneurs of underrepresented communities and building coalitions to share insights and streamline resources, editorial capacities, and reach.
Archives of War: Artists and Investigators holding war criminals accountable
As her Action Project, Landecker Democracy Fellow Solomiia aims to create a database and use digital forensic tools to analyze evidence coming from videographers and photographers working on the front lines of Russia’s war in Ukraine.
Queering the Quantified Self
As their Action Project, Landecker Democracy Fellow Rayén Jara explores alternative approaches to owning and using data from our bodies.Through QQS workshops, tools, and data cooperatives, Queering the Quantified Self imagines a democratic future for our bodies' data.