All Articles about Islamophobia
Short Film: 'Thin Ice'
‘Thin Ice’ is a short film about the growing fear of attacks in the Netherlands. The film addresses islamophobia and aims to discuss the implications and consequences of our fear of terrorist attacks.
Det Turkise Telt ("The Turquoise Tent")
Det turkise telt’ is a Danish-Turkish arts and music festival that takes place annually during Aarhus Festuge, created by Senior Fellow Cagdas Citirikkaya.
Humanizing the Refugee Experience
Workshops in local classrooms for high school students about some of the hardships faced by forcibly displaced individuals around the world.
Intersectionality in Danish Preschools
Senior Fellow Malte Hansen developed Intersectional Teaching Practices for Humanity in Action Denmark's Teacher Academy in 2018.
Bursting Bubbles to Save Black Lives
Senior Fellow Tasneem Maner led a dialogue workshop exploring Black Lives Matter. The twist: the audience was all Muslim. The goal: create ally-ship between minorities.
Research Program on Islamophobia
Senior Fellow Mohamed Taguine collaborated with Muslim civil society organizations to create a space for exchange of experience and cooperation among European Muslim organizations, scholars and activists, on Islamophobia.
Purple State Purple Haze
Purple State Purple Haze was a performance written from interviews with activists in New Orleans' Ninth Ward in response to President Trump's election in 2016.
How can we bring people from different backgrounds to participate politically and best advocate for their rights?