Action Projects - Germany
Our community takes action to defend democratic values around the world. Explore our Fellows' Action Projects here.
In the 11 months following the on-site Fellowship program, our Fellows work on their Action Project: an independent venture focused on promoting democratic values in their own communities. Action Projects are as diverse as Humanity in Action Fellows. Fellows apply their new knowledge and perspectives to the communities they impact—in whatever format they find meaningful. The Humanity in Action community is a great resource for getting support—be it with contacts, experience or good advice.
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Pleasure talks Guff-Gaff series
As her Action Project, Anukriti provides space for Nepali youths to talk all about sex, pleasure, politics, and Nepali culture.
Privacy Issues on Dating Apps
Privacy Issues on Dating Apps project is an action plan within the Humanity in Action Mapping Democracy Fellowship 2023, which aims to raise young people's awareness of the dangers that these applications can carry with them, as well as ways on which they can protect their privacy in the online space and in addition to dating apps.
Forming International and Interfaith Alliance Against Interpersonal Violence
Senior Fellow Mira Vance created a project uniting international and interfaith organizations and activists to develop intersectional and accessible survivor supports.
UN Meet: MSG & Friends x Woman* Life Freedom
The project was focused on fundraising & solidarity for Woman* Life Freedom's intersectional work for the Iranian Feminist Revolution.
Inclusive democracy
Landecker Democracy Fellow Farah's project highlights and addresses the root causes of misinformation about marginalized communities through storytelling, workshops, and a social media campaign.
LGBTIQ+ Storymaps
Landecker Democracy Fellow Shawn is developing and facilitating a digital and physical map creation project that enlists the knowledge and skills of queer youth and adults. With the help of LGBTQI serving organizations, they will support an intergenerational reworking of queer history in Tennessee.
Adversity Ever After: Raising Awareness about Childhood Adversity
Senior Fellow Michael Elisabeth Gasior has been seeking to create an accessible, open-access repository of information about childhood adversity and stories from people and communities affected.
Art as Emancipation - Freeing the Body
Freeing the Body is a website home to a queer utopia where artists' universes meet to show the beauty of being and loving differently.
Become a Fellow
Every year, new Humanity in Action Fellows come together in five cities across Europe and the United States to study how and why people confront intolerance and protect democratic values.