Action Projects - Denmark
Inspiring young people to take action in their communities around the world
In the 11 months following the on-site Fellowship program, our Fellows work on their Action Project: an independent venture focused on promoting democratic values in their own communities. Action Projects are as diverse as Humanity in Action Fellows. Fellows apply their new knowledge and perspectives to the communities they impact—in whatever format they find meaningful. The Humanity in Action community is a great resource for getting support—be it with contacts, experience or good advice.
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Supporting Refugee Children in Utrecht: Turning Interests into Activities
Refugee children choose cake decorating by vote. After a drawing workshop, they decorate these cakes, bringing their visions to life.
As her Action Project, Landecker Fellow Nicole is building "Digital.truth," aiming to give adults the opportunity to have a critical look on disinformation and conspiracy theories online. It strengthens media literacy, builds up resilience towards conspiracy theories and encourages the participants to be part of a digital civil society.
As their Landecker Action Project, Jo is creating "Comapping," looking at how maps can be used as a tool for democracy. Through running workshops and building open-source software, the project supports communities to use participatory mapping to share who they are, where they live and what's important to them.
Progressive Cafe: Designing a Pluralistic Digital Public Space in The Netherlands
As his Action Project, Landecker Democracy Fellow Kiza aims to fight affective polarization and promote a pluralistic culture in the digital public space in The Netherlands.
Workers fight back algorithms!
As her Action Project, Landecker Fellow Marta is creating a platform that will generate tools for workers to fight back algorithms.
Dilemmas of Non-EU Graduates/ Highly-Skilled Migrants in the Dutch Labor Market
Decoding Technocracy - the Digital Period
As her Action Project, Landecker Democracy Fellow Judith is producing "the Digital Period" podcast, telling the story about what happens behind the user interface of period tracking apps. The podcast series further examines the relation between autonomy and technology.
UN Meet: MSG & Friends x Woman* Life Freedom
The project was focused on fundraising & solidarity for Woman* Life Freedom's intersectional work for the Iranian Feminist Revolution.