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Accessible for Me Too


Inspired by a lecture on inclusion featured during the first program phase held by activist Ira Adilagić, co-founder of the “Znak za riječ” sign language promotion initiative, EDVACAY Fellows Tamara Bakula, Iva Ivanković, Hana Macić and Edina Osmić aimed to create a comprehensive interactive website which would serve as a platform for information about accommodation and public transportation in Mostar, Sarajevo, and Tuzla which is accessible to
persons with both sensory and motoric disabilities.

The initiative was supported by the “Ponosni na sebe” (Proud of Ourselves) campaign, the Information Center for Persons with Disabilities “Lotos” Tuzla and the Associations of Persons with Cerebral Palsy of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The staff of the “Lotos” Information Center helped the participants by sharing the “Measure for an Accessible Bosnia and Herzegovina” (Mjeri za pristupačnu BiH) questionnaire form, which served as the basis for the groups’ research.

The website contains information about the available means of transportation, including accessible bus lines, and the type and level of accessibility in hotel accommodation. Besides being equipped with the UserWay Accessibility plugin which enables navigating through font sizes, cursor sizes, keyboard and contrast settings and an automated reading of the page, group member Tamara Bakula also made an audio recording of all information related to the accessible accommodation and transportation in the three cities.

Iva & Edina speak about their Civic Campaign and EDVACAY program experiences

  • Promotion of Accessible for Me Too website
  • Accessible for Me Too Website
  • Promotion of Accessible for Me Too website

This project is generously supported by: