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The Sarajevo Fellowship


The Humanity in Action journey begins with a year-long Fellowship

June 6 – 30, 2022 | virtual Fellowship

Lessons Learned, Lessons Missed, & Lessons Preferred – Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Bosnia and Herzegovina 


No two wars are alike. Nonetheless, the images of Kyiv’s siege have instantly prompted countless traumatic memories of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sarajevo, reminding them of the dark days in a besieged city between 1992 and 1995. Massacre in Bucha, mass destruction of Mariupol, and numerous other cities in Ukraine have inevitably woken up the deep emotions and suffering the BiH’s citizens experienced across the country, most notably in Srebrenica, Prijedor, and many other places. 

The words like “safe areas”, “no-fly zone”, or “humanitarian aid and corridors” do not mean the same to all people; to those who lived to see their effects in the 1990s, in the Balkans, and nowadays, in Ukraine or other places; to those who read about them and to those who experience their effects in real life. 

There are some important lessons from Bosnia and Herzegovina worth examining in relation to the ongoing conflicts in the world. However, the 2022 Humanity in Action Sarajevo Fellowship does not focus on the effects or features of the conflict itself, but on the post-conflict reconstruction process and its dynamics. It explored in depth the topics related to and connected with the role of local leadership, the role of the international community, the responsibility of neighboring countries, the properties of power-sharing schemes and legal reforms, and many other qualities of localized post-conflict peace operations.  

June 3 – July 1, 2020
Placing Bosnia’s human rights realities today into the context of its recent violent history and transitional justice

The City of Sarajevo and its surrounding region provides a unique case study in how groups with different identities coexist. It is one of just a few truly “multiconfessional” cities in the world: Muslims, Catholics, and the Serbian Orthodox share power. It also has one of the bloodiest and most tumultuous recent histories of any country in Europe.

The Sarajevo Fellowship delves into nuanced discussion of transitional justice, post-conflict identity politics, and peacebuilding. It uses both the urban and rural landscapes around the capital to help Fellows connect the unique diversity of Bosnia and Herzegovina to international issues of ethnic nationalism, right-wing extremism, and the crafting of pluralistic democracies.

Nakon jednomjesečnog programa u Sarajevu, napi Fellowsi razvijaju uspješne Action projekte u vlastitim zajednicama.

Jedanaest mjeseci nakon svog boravka u Sarajevu, Fellowsi rade na svom Akcion projektu: nezavisnom poduhvatu sa fokusom na promociji demokratskih vrijednosti u vlastitim zajednicama. Akcion projekti su raznoliki koliko je i Humanity in Action. Fellowsi primjenjuju svoje novostečeno znanje i perspektive na zajednice na koje utječu – u bilo kojem formatu koji im se čini smislenim. Prošli Action projekti su bili dokumentarni filmovi, umjetnički festivali i nove organizacije koje služe javnom dobru. Planiranje Akcion projekta počinje već u Sarajevu.

Članovi Alumni mreže sarajevskog Fellowshipa

2018 Sarajevo Fellowship

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Svake godine novi Humanity in Action Fellowsi se okupljaju u šest gradova širom Europe i SAD-a kako bi učili kako i zašto se ljudi odupiru netoleranciji i štite demokratske vrijednosti.

01 Godina

06 Gradova

150 Fellowsa svake godine