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Veronika Kusyova


Veronika is a project development coordinator and project associate at Humanity in Action Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has been volunteering at the Humanity in Action Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2019 as the coordinator of the project ‘Strengthening Resilience of the Youth against Radicalization in the Western Balkans’ supported by the SlovakAid. Veronika is also a lecturer on various projects with young people where she applies the method of experiential learning. During Slovakia’s presidency of the EU Council, she was part of Slovak working groups focused on EU enlargement, the Western Balkans and human rights. Veronika is studying peace and security studies at the Faculty of Political Studies in Sarajevo, has a master’s degree from SSEES UCL in London – Russian and Eastern European studies and a bachelor’s degree in European studies and international relations from Masaryk University. In his professional life, he focuses on: the Balkans, EU integration, radicalization, violent extremism, feminism and gender studies, and marginalized communities.

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Updated in September 2020