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Action against Violence


The goal of “Action against Violence” civic campaign was to raise awareness about the problem of youth delinquency in Canton Sarajevo which had not been on the government’s agenda since 2008 when several young people were shot by minors in public space in different Sarajevo municipalities.

As a part of the project, members of this group (Minel Abaz, Mubera Ademović, Merima Mahmić, Zlatko Sofović and Snježana Ćeho) conducted research on the issue-related regulations and activities aimed at solving this problem in the Sarajevo Canton. Since they discovered that the cantonal government didn’t adopt any strategy or the action plan to fight this issue since 2008, group members sent request for immediate adoption of the strategy for solving the problem of youth delinquency and its prevention. As a following step, group organized online and offline raising awareness campaigns.

Offline campaign included petition signing through which over 500 signatures were collected and handed to cantonal government; and a flash mob in the public surface which simulated violent behavior of minors.

This campaign also included intensive communication with media with an aim to achieve wider public outreach. Project was promoted on several local TV stations (e.g. TV of Sarajevo Canton & TV Vogošća – smaller municipality of Sarajevo Canton), some radio stations (e.g. Radio Free Europe) and online portals (, Depo portal, etc.). As a result besides giving again visibility to this issue in public sphere, the project team was invited by the responsible committee of cantonal government (Coordinator from the Ministry of Internal Affairs) to present their requests and to stay involved in the process of developing this strategy.

This project is generously supported by: