Przejdź do treści

The Warsaw Fellowship


The Humanity in Action journey begins with a year-long Fellowship

June 1 – 23, 2021

Nothing about us without us!

Mobilized by the Constitutional Tribunal’s contentious ruling, Polish people have awoken from social inertia and are demanding social change. The sustained protests against the violation of human rights and basic principles of democratic governance have activated more Poles than ever before, proving that citizens can have an impact on the shape of a social contract. Despite violent repression of peaceful protests and police brutality, the nation-wide demonstrations have generated a sense of empowerment and agency, particularly for the young generation.

To continue the momentum of the street protests, the 2021 Warsaw Fellowship aims to incorporate a stronger intersectional lens to the main guiding premise of linking historical education with human rights education and activism. Dedicated to intersectional social justice, the program will take into account how gender combines with race, ethnicity, (dis)ability, sexual orientation, and social class, resulting in diverse modes of discrimination. We will consider the backsliding of democracy with hate speech and hate crimes on the rise. Through Fellowship, we will explore innovative strategies applied by human rights defenders in response to intensifying systemic exclusion.

Call for applications closed!


A Snapshot of the Fellowship

After the month in Warsaw, our Fellows develop impactful Action Projects in their own communities.

For the eleven months following their time in Warsaw, Fellows work on their Action Project: an independent venture focused on promoting democratic values in their own communities. Action Projects are as diverse as Humanity in Action Fellows. Fellows apply their new knowledge and perspectives to the communities they impact—in whatever format they find meaningful. Past Action projects have been documentaries, arts festivals, and new organizations that serve a public good. Planning for the Action Project begins during the study portion of the Fellowship, through workshops and collaborative discussion.

Partnerzy Projektu 2019

2020 Warsaw Fellowship sponsors

2020 Warsaw Fellowship sponsors

The 2020 Humanity in Action Fellowship in Warsaw is financed, in part, with funding from the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, Poland

2020 Warsaw Fellowship sponsors

The 2020 Humanity in Action Fellowship in Warsaw is supported by The Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility, and Future" (EVZ)

The 2020 Humanity in Action Fellowship in Warsaw is financed, in part, with funding from the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, Poland

Rekrutacja do Akademii Praw Człowieka

Każdego roku nowi uczestnicy Akademii Praw Człowieka zbierają się w sześciu miastach w Europie i USA, aby dowiedzieć się jak i dlaczego ludzie przeciwstawiają się nietolerancji i bronią demokratycznych wartości.

01 Rok

06 Miast

150 Absolwentów rocznie