Action Projects
Action Projects are civic ventures led by Humanity in Action Fellows designed to drive change in their communities.
Action Projects are a core and required component of a Humanity in Action Fellowship. Each Action Project transforms Fellowship insights into tangible community impact and embodies three core tenets—facilitating dialogue, cultivating understanding, and inspiring action. They are implemented in communities across Europe, the United States, and beyond, addressing local challenges with global perspectives. The projects span diverse focus areas—from educational initiatives and artistic interventions to policy advocacy and community organizing—reflecting Fellows’ unique expertise and local needs. Humanity in Action equips Fellows with project development mentorship and networking opportunities through a dedicated support program. A completed Action Project is the entry point to the Humanity in Action Senior Fellows network.
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The GDPR-Monitor: Providing awareness and empowering choice of -your- data
As his Action Project, Landecker Fellow Frederik Kirk is creating the "GDPR Monitor," a service that tracks down your data and empowers you to make the choice on where it is used.
Chroma Mental Health Collective: Eliminating LGBTQ+ Mental Health Disparities
Landecker Fellow Michael's Action Project is building the foundational infrastructure for the Chroma Mental Health Collective with the mission to eradicate mental health disparities for the LGBTQ+ community in Tennessee by eliminating barriers and cultivating communities of care.
Tech Policy Roundtables
Landecker Democracy Fellow Noah's "The Tech Roundtables" develop and offer innovative formats to enrich the European policy process with underrepresented voices and create meaningful interaction with policy makers.
all.txt: a gender inclusive text editor
As their Action Project, Landecker Fellow Nora is developing all.txt, a text editor optimized to help one implement inclusive gendered language in German.
Mobilizing Chicago Public Schools Alumni
As his Action Project, Landecker Fellow Riley is designing a vehicle for alumni from Chicago-based school system to offer their perspective, and an accountability apparatus for the school system's governance.
AI and Democracy: exploring possibilities and preventing harm
Landecker Fellow Saijai's Action Project explores the collaboration model between tech companies, civil society, and vulnerable groups to prevent harm.
Building the first Responsible Technology Hub in Germany
As her Landecker Action Project, Yasmin Al-Douri is together with her co-founders building the first young-led Hub in Germany that focuses on responsible tech!
School of Social Justice
As his Action Project, Landecker Democracy Fellow Alvin is developing the School of Social Justice.