Explore More About Roma
ROMA – A Discussion of Diversity and the Treatment of Minorities

Authors: Sahra-Josephine Hjorth, Denmark, 2015
Senior Fellow Sahra Josephine Hjorth created ROMA – A Discussion of Diversity and the Treatment of Minorities, which is an online course that teaches about structural racism and contemporary discrimination of Roma people in Europe as well as about the dreams and expectations of Roma youth.
Learning Assistance for Warsaw’s Roma Children

Authors: Jarmiła Rybicka, Poland, 2016
Learning Assistance for Warsaw’s Roma Children gives Polish Roma children attending primary and secondary schools in Warsaw the opportunity to improve their knowledge level and learning skills through individual tutoring.
Pull the Brake Against Roma Discrimination

Authors: Andrea Bila, Elma Oručević, Arne Semsrott, International, 2015
Pull the Brake Against Roma Discrimination is a large-scale awareness campaign that deals with on- and offline methods to combat Antiziganism in Europe.