Lær mere om rejsen til vores fælleskab med over 2000 Fellows og Senior Fellows.
Når ansøgningsprocessen er overstået, forpligter vores Fellows sig til at ankomme til programmet velforberedt, være fuldt tilstede under det intensive fire ugers program og skabe værdifulde bidrag til deres lokalsamfund gennem implementeringen de følgende 11 måneder progammet.
Prior to the Fellowship
As a part of the year-long Fellowship, Fellows commit to fully participate in an intensive four-week educational program (virtual pre-fellowship and in-person fellowship). All Fellows receive a reading list one month in advance of the on-site programs. Humanity in Action expects its Fellows to have read and engaged with the texts by the time the Fellowship programs kick off. The reading materials serve as background information and will not be separately discussed the programs.
During the On-Site Fellowship Program
The Humanity in Action Fellowship programs are intensely challenging on an intellectual, social and emotional level. Full-time commitment is required from every participant during the program. We expect respectful debate and dissent as minority opinions are aired.
Our Fellows demonstrate openness, humility, and a readiness to challenge one’s own preconceptions.
To probe these matters and engage in learning and growth, the programs expect and require maturity, openness, dedication, and a generosity of spirit from each of the Fellows.
After the On-Site Fellowship Program
As a requirement of participation, Fellows are obligated to conduct a hands-on outreach initiative, an Action Project, in their own communities. The initiative should reflect the Humanity in Action Fellowship experience. Action Projects are executed within eleven months after the on-site educational portion of the Fellowship ends at the fellows’ own pace. The intensity of the part-time commitment will depend on the scope and duration of the project.
Our Fellows are committed to a continued civic engagement to mediate contemporary socio-political tensions and realities.
For their Action Projects, past Fellows engaged in community organizing, created films, hosted workshops, presented at conferences, or started organizations. Humanity in Action staff offer guidance to Fellows as they work to complete their Action Projects.
Joining the Community of Senior Fellows
Fellows who successfully complete the on-site program and implement their Action Projects are invited to join the Humanity in Action Senior Fellow Network. Senior Fellows are offered a wide range of opportunities to take part in – conferences, professional Fellowships, leadership training, study trips, seminars, grant competitions and access to our alumni intraweb where everything from job to couchsurfing opportunities are shared.
Every year, new Humanity in Action Fellows come together in six cities across Europe and the United States to study how and why people resist intolerance and protect democratic values.