Daniel has a Master’s Degree in Development and International Relations from Aalborg University and a B.A. in India and South Asia Studies from Aarhus University. He is particularly interested in the interplay between global power politics, economic globalization, and the current state of liberal democratic values, such as freedom of speech and equality. Moreover, Daniel is a keen observer of global development trends and challenges, and he actively contributes to the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals.
To this end, Daniel volunteers as coordinator and controller for the organization Action Child Aid, where he is part of a project group that monitors the progress of the project Better Sanitation Better Health. The aim of which is to make villages in India open defecation free through, for instance, awareness campaigns and capacity building activities.
Daniel is happy to be part of Humanity in Action where he undertakes tasks related to communication and fundraising, and promotes the democratic spirit of open and free debates.
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Updated December 2020