Day 1
We welcomed back our participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia and Lebanon at the 2nd Online Workshop of ‘The Mitigating Online Hate Speech and Radicalization’ program, supported generously by the European Union and the Anna Lindh Foundation.
First session on the topic of critical thinking, critical perceptions and deeper understanding of communication kicks off with Katarína Klingová, Senior Research Fellow of Democracy and Resilience at Globsec. What our participants learned from their conversation with Katarína is information and explanation of disinformation terminology and online tactics of disinformation placement, basic understanding of communication influence techniques, tips on innovative engagement and practical tools for later use.
Next session of the ‘Mitigating Online Hate Speech and Radicalization’ online workshop was with Ali Mahmoud, Aie Serve. The focus of the session was an insight into non-violent communication and our participants had the opportunity to learn how to become more self aware of their own communication patterns, how to distinguish between observation and stereotypes and what are the four skills of non-violent such as empathic listening and active listening.
Day 1 of the 2nd ‘Mitigating Online Hate Speech and Radicalization’ online workshop was wrapped up after a very interactive soft skills building session with Mariya Georgieva and Gergely Lovasz, LEAF Academy. Participants worked in groups to develop answers to questions such as how does the radicalization manifests in their communities and in what contexts, but also to reflect on what might be the actual needs behind radical behaviors in communities. Looking forward to tomorrow when we will conclude the online portion of the program.
Day 2
We started of Day 2 of the ‘Mitigating Online Hate Speech and Radicalization’ 2nd online workshop, supported by the European Union and the Anna Lindh Foundation, with professor Sabina Čahajić-Clancy, Stockholm University, on the topic of stereotypes and prejudices. During the session our participants learned about what stereotypes essentially are, what are their origins, correlates and functions, what socio-psychological processes are associated with stereotypes and how can stereotypes a person or a group has change by being exposed to the moral exemplars within groups that are conflicted.
For the final session of the ‘Mitigating Online Hate Speech and Radicalization’ online workshop we were joined by professor Zlatiborka Popov-Momčinović, University of East Sarajevo. Participants got engaged in a very lively discussion about hate speech and sexism targeted at women after a practical task to work in groups to identify different types of discrimination that different women experience. Many participants realized that the exercise has enabled them to realize their own stereotypes.
We’ve successfully wrapped up our second great weekend with our lovely participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lebanon and Slovakia! Their participation in the ‘Mitigating Online Hate Speech and Radicalization’ program continues in the following period with implementation of their own individual mini projects and with dissemination of a survey addressing the process of radicalization, leading to violent extremism in the online sphere
which will result in a published study on this topic by the summer of 2021. Looking forward to our next meeting planned in Sarajevo!
Thank you to our donors and supporters the European Union and the Anna Lindh Foundation, as well as our partners Strategic Analysis SK and Aie Serve.